Studio Finishes

Elevated Concretes

Our standard level finish. Made with the design-centric individual in mind. The exterior: Natural. Raw. Defined. The Interior: Smooth. Silky. Warm to the touch.

Speaks to those who appreciate timeless design. Made with the same materials as our Bespoke line, but streamlined options make our elevated concrete collection accessibly priced and ready to ship.

Bone Elevated Concrete

Gray Elevated Concrete

Black Elevated Concrete

Earth Brown Elevated Concrete

Bespoke Finishes

textured Concretes

By adding an additional patented process, our textured concretes allow for a dynamic and defined finish. Made for you by our team of local artisans through detailed and perfected techniques.

Gray Concrete

White Concrete

Blush Concrete

Black Concrete


By adding a layer of metal to the exterior of our concrete bathtubs and sinks, our metal finishes create a truly custom and one-of-a-kind piece of functional art. Made for you by our team of local artisans through detailed and perfected techniques.

Black Iron

Aged Silver

Aged Brass

Textured Black

Textured Silver

Textured Brass

Interior Colors

Our Studio elevated concretes come in corresponding interior colors.

Our Bespoke textured concretes and metals allow for a multitude of finish combinations.




Gray Concrete

White Concrete

Blush Concrete

Black Concrete